Centurion Performance

Centurion Strategy. For Low/Lower Medium Risk Investors

If you chose this strategy, you are looking to maintain the real value of your investments by achieving above inflation returns. Whilst preserving the value of your capital remains important you are willing to accept necessary market volatility to achieve your overall objectives. You will have investments mainly in cash, bonds and fixed interest assets including corporate bonds and UK Government gilts.

2021-2022 Download
Centurion Performance data sheet 2021-2022.

2020-2021 Download
Centurion Performance data sheet 2020-2021. File Size: 11,584Kb

Centurion Performance
Total returns before fees and charges

Average Asset Return During Year 8.45%
Gain over 1 year 8.45%
Largest Fall in value in period 20.94%

For more information / Centurion strategy investment enquiries, please Contact Middleton Private Capital directly. A member of our team is on hand and ready to help.

Please Note: Past performance should never be used as a guide to potential or expected future returns. Investments in equity markets can be volatile and you may get back less than your original investment. Allocation examples may vary subject to the discretion of the Middleton Private Capital Portfolio managers and may change on a regular basis. Data shown reflects an example of the Centurion portfolio allocation for the period 5th September 2021 to 4th September 2022.

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