Investment Management – A Range Of Investment Advice Services And Managed Portfolios Designed For You

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Investment Management

We provide core service investment management strategies and build bespoke portfolios designed to meet your needs whatever your attitude to taking risk with your investments. All of our investment management strategies are managed in a socially responsible way. Read More on Discretionary Investment Management.

All investments contain risk, the value of investments can go down as well as up and investors should be aware they may not get back the full amount invested.

With more than four decades of investment management experience, backed by our strong in house research programmes, we offer exceptional solutions and a service designed to give our clients exactly what they are looking for…

Capital Growth, Competitive Fees and First Class Service

Total transparency

We provide total transparency so you will always see exactly what we are investing in. Our reports will detail what we have invested in and what we are currently investing in. This is different to many traditional investment funds that only provide detail on their top 10 holdings. With a range of carefully researched and risk managed portfolios available, you choose how you want your money managed.

Investment markets today move at a very fast pace and successful investing comes from being proactive, creative and adaptable while having a passion for achieving excellence.

Active Investment Management enables us to:

  • Constantly assess and rapidly react to sudden changes in investment markets;
  • Create and manage new investment ideas and portfolios designed to deliver first-class results; and
  • Create profitable portfolios across a range of different asset classes.

“We don’t have to be smarter than the rest, we have to be more disciplined than the rest”

Warren Buffet

Did you know…

The current rate of inflation is 2.5%. (Source: Bank of England 15th January 2025) while the base rate on cash deposits was at all time lows for 15 years, it is now at 4.75% in January 2025 (Source: Bank of England) having remained the same since the last update. Cash held on deposit has been losing its real spending value for a long time. The stock markets have long held the position of the preferred alternative to cash in pursuit of capital growth.

Over the last 25 years, investors from all sectors have seen a reduction in the number of active investment managers offering their services. Many money managers have adopted a more passive approach which has led to investors seeing returns on their portfolios that simply mirrors the market. Over the last five years, these returns have fluctuated between negative and average in most cases.

If you are looking for a truly active investment management service with a fee structure that is challenging the norm, you can confidently turn to us. Our specialised team draws on a first-class investment research platform to enable us to deliver exceptional investment management.

Centurion Investment Management Portfolio


Suitable for cautious investors, this investment management strategy has its greatest focus on cash, fixed interest and high-grade bond markets.

Our analysis of these sectors allows us to identify opportunities to achieve attractive rates of low risk return while retaining a strong focus on capital preservation.

The Centurion investment strategy remains an active strategy, but seeks to benefit from lower volatility.

Alpha Investment Management Portfolio


Suitable for medium risk profile investors. Markets move in trends, up or down, driven by a wide variety of factors including: economic activity, supply and demand and trading and speculation. This strategy looks to take advantage of short and medium term market movement in a tightly risk controlled environment.

This investment management strategy is focussed on the UK and US main markets, hedging where necessary with index trades using a range of carefully selected instruments.

This active strategy seeks to deliver positive returns by taking advantage of short and medium term movement in the UK and US main markets to achieve your capital growth objectives.

Beta Investment Management Portfolio


Suitable for higher risk investors, this investment management strategy has a greater focus on the use of derivatives to exploit market volatility. Our analysis leads us to opportunities in equity, currency and commodity markets, where, in a tightly controlled risk environment, we can exploit both positive and negative market movements.

This is a more active investment strategy using shares in the main 350 indices, the AIM market and a selection of assets from a wide range of other markets. It is designed to be highly flexible, taking advantage of market volatility which allows the pursuit of profit through a range of companies in all market cycles.

The value of an active approach to investment and risk management guides our strategies and allows us to meet your specific investment needs

Research & Process

Effective investment management relies on maximum flexibility in both investment decisions and managing strategies. Our strategies do not mirror the market indices and active investment management helps us to deliver completely uncorrelated returns.

We analyse the global macro economic picture, look at opportunities by country and asset class then examine individual companies looking for strong investment opportunities.

For more information / enquiries, please
Contact Middleton Private Capital

Trusted Stewards

As the trusted stewards of our clients’ capital, we operate a highly disciplined process to find the best investment opportunities for the strategies we manage. Effective risk management begins with an assessment of economic and market risk, leading on to careful sector and individual company analysis.

Our risk review reports are focused, effective and a cornerstone of the success of our strategies.

For more information / enquiries, please
Contact Middleton Private Capital

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